

Might be making an unexpected trip to Iowa this weekend. B's mom is having some health trouble and we want to spend some time with her. It's weird...last year I spent New Year's in Iowa, since my Grandpa G's funeral was on New Years Eve. Never thought I would spend two years in a row in the corn state.

I guess you just really have to live each day to the fullest so in the end you don't have any regrets.


Getting interesting

John Edwards has now officially announced he is running for the Presidency in 2008. No wonder people get sick of politics...it seems like someone is always running or campaigning for something. The run for the Presidency use to be a matter of months...now it is years. Don't get me wrong, this election will be an interesting one. However, can I help the fact that I am already sick of it and wanting it to be over?


My Apologies

This blog is definitely a work in progress. I promise I will add links, photos, fun stuff in the coming days. Until then I apologize for such a boring blog!

Why Thirty Something?

I suppose I should explain the name of of my blog, "Thirty Something".

First, I turned thirty this year. That means that I could have this blog for 9-1/2 years and it would still be appropriate.

Second, I think there is a significance being in your 30's. In my 20's everything always turned out ok, responsibilities were there but not overwhelming, and overall it was a fun time, filled with adventure and whimsical ideas. When you turn thirty, all of a sudden you're faced with serious, grown up responsibilities and expectations. You find yourself stuck with house and car payments; lots of financial responsibilities. The dreams you had in your 20's do not seem obtainable. If you're married (which I am), you start to be bombarded with questions as to when you're having kids. All of a sudden you find that your friends are getting married (and some divorced), having kids and having play dates instead of "bar dates". Things change.

So, in short, this blog is about my adventures as a 30-something. All visitors, comments, advice, etc. are welcome.


Wasting time at the office the day after Christmas

While some are outside battling fellow retail store shoppers the day after Christmas or enjoying a good movie with friends or family, I'm at work. You know, one of those crazy companies who make their employees work between Christmas and New Year's.

If I was out of this prison cell...I mean, office cube...I would be at home in front of a fire with my husband, B., watching "The Office: Season 1" DVD I got for Christmas yesterday. I'm one of those people who started watching the show in season two and I can't help but feel like I'm a little out of the loop sometimes. Yes, it's ironic that if I was not at the office I'd be at home watching a show about an office, but I wouldn't have it any other way.