
I'm back

Had back surgery on Tuesday, and things went well. The doc put in two screws, two rods, a piece of bone from another part of my spine and some bone protein at the L5 level. Got out of the hospital Thursday afternoon, to the shock of B. and my family. I was not in good shape at all Thursday, but personally felt my best chance for recovery was to be at home. Since when is being in a hospital a comfortable, relaxing, quiet place to be?

On Thursday/Friday I was shocked by how much worse this surgery was in terms of pain. When I got home it took me several minutes to get up the two steps in our garage; the last time I was pacing the living room (slowly, yet without assistance) for over an hour once I arrived home from the hospital. I swore up and down that I could not go through this again - this surgery had to work!

Yesterday and today have been breakthrough days, though. Every day I find a whole new range of stuff I can do. Though I started out in a much worse condition, I am recovering at a rapid pace. I'm of course still limited, but I am very pleased at my progress. If things continue to move forward I will definitely be back working from home PT by March 5. In other words, I better try and enjoy my week off as much as possible!

I am truly grateful to B., my family, friends and co-workers, all whom have gone out of their way to make sure I know I am loved and supported. That helps a lot, and I keep it in mind every day. I am upbeat about this surgery doing the trick - and allowing me to have a "normal" life again. Time will tell!


Surgery Time

Tomorrow is surgery day. Will be leaving around 5am for the hospital; surgery should be around 8am. Three plus hours on the table, and then hopefully I'll be awake by 1pm in recovery. Let's also hope that afterwards I'll be ushered to a nice private room so I have a little more flexibility regarding things like watching tv.

I'm nervous and scared, but that's to be expected. The last surgery experience is still fresh in my mind...which doesn't help. But I'll have my husband, parents and brother at the hospital, and I have wonderful family, friends and co-workers offering lots of support and prayers so I know I will be ok. I'll get through it, even if this fails.

I'll see you on the other side.


Welcome, Little One!

A big congratulations to my cousin G. and her husband on the birth of their first child, Noah , who was born at 2:35am on Thursday, Feb. 15. Though I'm sure it's too early to start planning their next one, I know it will be the first of many since the "big family" concept has always been one they have had their hearts set on.

On a "disappointing" note, that means I did NOT win the contest my aunt came up with guessing the birth date, time and gender. I don't think Feb. 21, in the afternoon, and a girl were even close!


Intelligent, dedicated, high energy individual looking for an office manager position or similar

I'm actually looking forward to being home after my surgery for a couple of weeks - gives me a chance to update my resume and reintroduce myself to the job boards.

There is so much I would love to say here but I can't, even though there is little chance my employer would be able to find this blog with the info they have about me. Recently myself and the other employees were told they need to sign a confidentiality agreement, basically stating that if I spill info about the company to anyone I could be sued. Why? I can't say. But I can say that lawyers and a crisis communication company is now involved.

I want out.

Snow Day

For most of the Cleveland/Akron area it is a snow day. Not for me, though! Working for a consulting firm it is absolutely vital that we risk our lives getting here so we can then answer phone calls from all of the traveling consultants. Very, very important stuff.

Of course I find it "hilarious" that the only owner in town left at 3:30pm due to bad weather (while the rest of us had to stay until 5pm) and then he also stayed home today, not bothering to call the office until 8:20am this morning to let us know he wasn't coming in. Of course, us peons were not given any call or e-mail telling us to stay home if the weather was difficult (which it is). Absolutely no direction at all from our fearless leader during the second worst snow storm I have seen since I moved here in 2003. Have I mentioned this guy is possible the most self centered person on the planet?

So, this morning it took me about fifteen minutes to go about 1.5 miles - from my house to the interstate. Roads were horrible and still covered with snow, and had to drive out of my way to find a place to turn, as my typical spot was covered in snow I couldn't get through with my Corolla...plus there was a car already stuck there. Once I got on the Interstate it was ok as one lane was partially cleared, which was an improvement from last night. Most people stayed home, so traffic was minimal. Plus it seemed the idiots on the road yesterday were sleeping in, as everyone this morning seemed very respectful and safe.

The funny part was that I was so happy I made it to the building I work in...only to find that no one had plowed the drive and I couldn't get through. Had to drive about 1 mile to turn around and ended up parking in a bank lot across the street. One of my fellow co-workers did the same thing (he also had a long drive), so we trekked through the deep snow together to get inside our building. There were to be four of us here today, and amazingly three ended up getting here. One got a ride from her husband, and the missing one will probably show up later once her husband can drive her in.

I had to stop at the gas station this morning, and the cashier asked me if I was driving to work by myself. When I said yes her jaw dropped and she said, "Really?" I guess if you're a female that automatically makes you not want to drive in snow. Well, not me. As stressful as it was, there is also a rush I get from being on roads when conditions are poor. I put so many miles on my car, I enjoy a driving challenge occasionally. Of course, I have not been in an accident (minus my first "deer" accident last week, see my earlier post), so that's probably another ignorant reason why I kind of like weather like this. Plus it gives me bragging rights...right?

So for those of you staying indoors, you aren't missing anything. And for those few who care, here are a few pics outside our office windows for your viewing enjoyment!


This evening

The Bears lost.

And on the way home from watching the game at the parents house a deer decided to run into my car.

I think it's time to call it a night. Tomorrow is a new day.


Summing it up

Courtesy of a CDW rep out of Chicago who sent it to my husband. The whole city has Bears fever - now let's win this thing!