
Reason Why Cleveland Clinic Sucks #47

Back in early November (of 2008) I requested a prescription refill online through the Cleveland Clinic. I had been taking this one drug to help me sleep at night, and while I had every intention of going off of it once I had my surgery, I was going to be a few days short and requested just a few pills (5 to 10) to get me by.

Now the Cleveland Clinic has an online system, so I used it. I figured it was easier than trying to call, spend time on hold and then end up being sent to some phone/key-entry prescription refill thing. I've been down that road and it can waste up to 30 minutes of your life just trying to refill a single prescription. So I did the online thing, and in true Cleveland Clinic fashion I ended up with absolutely no response.

So today I'm looking online at my drug store account, as I'm waiting for a prescription to come through in regards to my back surgery/leg pain. This one is not from Cleveland Clinic, which means I don't have to stress about it as much. But, to my complete surprise, there is my refill for the medication I requested back in November. Turns out it was filled on Thursday, January 22.

Let's see, by my math that means it took them over two months to call in the refill. Wow. Amazing work, Cleveland Clinic. Just one more reason you suck, and one more reason I refuse to go to you ever again. Also, if you think I'm paying for that prescription you're nuts - no thanks! Even if the darn thing is $4....


Thoughts on the Day

I was at my desk working when the inauguration took place, so I did two things when I had the chance.

1. Watched a video of the swearing in ceremony; I was very happy to see a close-up of the bible Lincoln was sworn in on, because I've been obsessed with him as long as I can remember and really wanted to see it. I would die if I had a chance to touch it like the Obama's did!

2. Read President Obama's speech. I find that it's better to read speeches than to watch them be read, because I like to take the theatrics out of it. So I read it...and was actually underwhelmed. It was kind of weak. Who knows, maybe I set the bar too high, but I was looking for something inspiring, and instead found more rhetoric about how we need to all come together. That's fine, let's all come together, but for what? I've been hearing this for over a year now, isn't time for something else? Again, maybe I'm being picky, but I just thought that considering all of the hype, it was a bit of a let down. I'm sure if I heard it read maybe I would think differently, but again...I'm more interested in the actual words than the performance.

I will say though, the picture of The Mall with all of those people was awesome. Quite frankly, every inauguration should be like this. It was nice to see people watching our government in action.

Another Day for the History Books

Though I had no intentions of blogging on this particular blog until I was feeling better, I couldn't help but write a little something on today - Tuesday, January 20, 2009. Today Mr. Obama will become President Obama, and our first African American president. I understand the symbolism and the importance, and for that it should be acknowledged no matter what your political affiliation is. Besides, I'm a sucker for our rights and liberties as an American, and nothing makes me prouder or more emotional than watching the leader of our government get sworn in. Yes, our system has some major flaws and is in need of real repair, but it's my country and I'm proud to be an American. My family generations before me fought hard and sacrificed to get to America, and I am so grateful for that.

Like most Americans, I'm ready for change. I was not sold on the change that either candidate was selling on the campaign, but then again I'm a skeptic when it comes to campaign promises and I'm sick of the two key parties. But I see my family and friends fearing for their jobs, and in some cases, losing them. I see a tanked economy, housing market, and the realization that dreams are going to be a lot harder to obtain now than they were ten years ago.

I don't want to go back and recreate the 90's, which everyone always seems to deem as this wonderful period of history. I want the citizens of this country to evolve beyond that, because to me the 90's were about money and greed, and quite frankly I think that's a key reason we are in the mess we're in. I want people to take responsibility for themselves, to help out their neighbors, and to contribute in a positive way to better our society. I've heard soon to be President Obama touting these values, and I hope he means them.

I have a lot of negative thoughts about our governmental leaders and where they've lead us and where they are trying to lead us. But today is a day where I just wanted to put it aside. I want today to feel like there is hope for this country, and I want to "take in" this moment in history.


Where I've Been

Sorry for my absence, but I've been putting all of my blogging energy into my other temp blog - www.failedadr.blogspot.com.

I think everyone who reads this knows about the other blog, but just realized I never made an official announcement here. I had my back surgery on Dec. 15, so I've been using that blog for updates. One of these days when I'm feeling closer to at least 70% I'll start blogging on this one again, but in the meantime I'm still on a break. All of my energies are going into my recovery and trying to keep up with my job remotely, which between the two are exhausting.