
Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back (Last Week)

  • The County Fair was awesome. It was great seeing all of the farm animals, and more importantly it was great to see so many little kids in the 4H program. Maybe the small farmer isn't becoming a rarity after all. The best part was that I rode on the Scrambler and during the ride I noticed most of my low back/right leg pain go away. So, I have a plan. If the acupuncture doesn't work I will officially become a carni-groupie and follow the Scrambler everywhere it goes. I will ride it once a day to help promote less pain, and then during my down time I will play Slingo and try to earn some of that daily/weekly/monthly jackpot money in order to support my new carni-groupie lifestyle.
  • Speaking of Slingo, is there a more mindless game out there? I remember playing Slingo 10 years ago when it was on AOL. It was a great game to have in the background at 3am while I was IMing various friends across the country. Well, I have rekindled my love of Slingo. I was doing really well on the game at first, but I think maybe I was doing too well because now my most recent scores have been half of what they once were. Or maybe I'm over thinking it?
  • Had a good afternoon with B. and my brother yesterday. Went out for lunch, got a birthday gift for my grandma B. and also an anniversary card as it's grandma B. and her husband's anniversary. We met up with the rest of the Ohio family in the evening for dinner at Brio. Food was good, company was decent. It's a bit weird to be celebrating an anniversary for your grandmother and husband #4, not even knowing how long they had been married (21 years) or where they were even married (Reno). Obviously they have been together a long time and always seem happy together, but it's just not your typical family situation.
  • I think I've found a new medicine to help me sleep at night - Unisom. Not bad stuff. So far the only bad effect is that I had a hard time waking up this morning. I still don't feel awake, and that's after a Diet Mt. Dew. This wouldn't fly during the work week.
Looking Forward (This Week)
  • Work is going to consume my time this week. I have a bunch of marketing initiatives I'm in charge of that need to happen, plus I have a big financial presentation to prepare for a Florida client. I'm most nervous about the financial presentation because I'm still waiting on data, and I'm actually going down there next Sunday evening so I can present it on Monday morning to their Finance committee for approval. I hate these last minute things. Luckily I feel pretty comfortable with presenting, so it shouldn't be that bad. I just hate doing financials in a rush as you're more likely to make mistakes.
  • B. is leaving for Iowa on Thursday morning, and will not be back until Sunday evening. I'm glad he's going so he can spend time with his mom, plus his sister and her twins which are coming from Texas. Unfortunately I have to leave for Florida before he will be back, which means I won't see him until Tuesday evening. As always I'll really miss the guy.

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