
To go or not to go

Thank goodness it's Friday and I officially have less than seven days until my acupuncture appointment. Though most of weekend I plan to spend getting my spine in a better place, our neighbors/friends did extend an invitation to us for the Medina County Fair on Saturday and we should probably let them know whether we are going.

I have not been to a County Fair since, well, middle school. Or maybe it was ninth grade, my memory is a bit fuzzy. I'm a little hesitant to spend a bunch of money or my limited physical energy on a Fair, yet there's something drawing me to it.

I think it's because to me a Fair is a big event that typically honors the farmer. And coming from a farm family, I have a great deal of respect for those small farmers gamble away almost everything to grow food and raise livestock just so the rest of us have something to eat.

The County Fair is a tradition that gathers family and friends in celebration. It's the only place where you can smell the combination of livestock waste and fried foods in the air. The only place where you can hear pigs snorting and kids yelling with glee on rides. It's a happy, fun place. And yes, you unfortunately you can't avoid hearing the continuous country songs, but it's a small price to pay.

Now I just need to talk B. into it....

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