
In Hiding

Yes, I've been pathetic on the blogging these last few weeks. Our home builder dumped the homeowners association in the resident's laps with little notice and communication. There are only eight of us, which I think makes things worse rather than better. Luckily I (with B) was voted in as VP/Treasurer, so at least I know the money is in good hands and the bills will get paid. So I've been dealing with a lot of those issues, which has taken up a lot of time.

I've also been dealing with withdrawl from a nerve medication I was on for eight months and then had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic. Basically I have felt absolutely miserable these last few weeks and quite frankly don't have a lot to say. However, I do have several things I am looking forward to these next 30 days:

1. The SuperBowl - more importantly, a SuperBowl WIN for my Bears.
2. My back surgery - after which I'm hoping a lot of this pain I've been dealing with will go away.
3. Our (B and me) 5th year wedding anniversary - and though I will still be recovering from the surgery it's still a day I look forward to.

So there are definitely some good things going on in life, which you definitely have to keep in your mind to balance all of the other junk out. But, I'm guessing the next couple of weeks are also going to be difficult health-wise, so don't be surprised if I drop out of view for awhile. Hopefully when I come back I'll be stronger and healthier than I've been in years.


Only one more game left!

We won!!! We won!!! We actually won!!!

The Chicago Bears are going to the SuperBowl!!!!!!!


Bye bye, B

B is leaving for Iowa tonight, where he will meet up with his brother, mom and eventually his sister and her cute twins. I have not met the twins or his brother (who's in the military and is never usually around for family events such as our wedding in 2002), so I'm a bit bummed that I must stay back in Ohio and take care of the fish.

Ok, so the real reason I'm staying home is because my employer believes in giving people bonuses not at the end of the year but at the end of JANUARY, and they never tell us until last minute how much that bonus is. And even though we had a great year financially and all I hear about is how they almost have too much money in their pockets, my guess is our bonus will be a joke just like the last one. So because there is no bonus to count on at this point and since we haven't won the lottery (that I know of) I'm staying home.

So what will I be up to this weekend? Celebrating my dad's 59th b-day, which is today. Maybe chatting it up a bit with the neighbors or catching up by phone with long distance friends. My main goal will be to stay indoors as much as possible, since it sounds like Winter is finally going to show up on our doorstep tonight. I'll do a small grocery store run this evening, then curl up on the couch by the fireplace and read a good book and drink hot chocolate. But I must say, even though I lived on my own for many years prior to moving in/marrying B, it will be a very empty place without him. Sorry, but the fish are not a substitute.

I want to wish B a great, wonderful trip and I hope he can enjoy it as much as possible. Give those twins a big hug from their Aunt Carrie and take lots of video so I can really see them in action. Give your Mom and sister a hug as well and tell your brother...well, tell him what you want. :-)

Traveling Salesmen

I must share the one scene from "The Office" last night that I kept "rewinding" on our TIVO over and over to see!

I just about fell off the couch. Rainn and John's expressions are priceless!


The Injury From Hell

One of my bosses has an infection in his foot. Now I will go one record saying that I'm sure it's very painful and unpleasant, and I sympathize. However, his constant whining and need to tell everyone and anyone who will listen about how bad it is...well, it's driving me crazy. So, I give you this clip from "The Office". This is kind of what I've been having to deal with for two weeks.



Ok, so "The Ohio State" got stomped on last night by Florida. Kansas City lost to Indy in the Wild Card game. Will the Chicago Bears make that a three in a row for losses with their game on Sunday against Seattle????

I'm nervous.

Let's face it, the Bears performance against the Packers on New Year's Eve was embarrassing beyond belief. Couldn't even watch or listen to the game, it was pathetic. Now they will have had two weeks off. Will Lovie's plan's to win the SuperBowl work out? Will the competent Grossman show up, or will he completely fall apart on the field?

I'm nervous. Sunday can't come fast enough!

Stuff and Things

Got a new redcap goldfish this weekend; B named him Sammy. So far it's been pretty harmonious between him and our other redcap Louie. Fish One, who died in October, would have made life hell for him, at least for the first few days. Let's just say that the four fish that were with Fish One in his 3-1/2 years were scared leave the corner for at least their first day in the tank. I'll have to post a pic later. It's nice to see two fish in the tank again.

Going to pain mgmt doc today, will ask if I can go off the nerve medication I've been on since May. Docs keeping increasing my dosage but the only thing it accomplishes is making my brain more foggy and tired; no pain relief that I can see. I'd rather just take Vicodin between now and my surgery in Feb., it helps me out a lot more. I could go on, but that's really something I should probably put on my other, back-pain-specific blog.

One of my cousins, three years younger, sent out pics of their new baby's room. The baby is due on Valentine's Day; it's their first. When we were younger and in the world of make believe she always wanted to have 10+ kids, so it's nice to see her dream starting to come true. It's also weird to see someone I grew up with (at least until we moved far away in 1989) have a kid. Make's me feel like a grown up. And old.


Lazy Saturday

Finally, a day I have been longing for - Saturday. And for once we're not traveling, running errands, helping people move, etc. So what do you do with a lazy Saturday? You make coffee (for B), make some pancakes for breakfast, and lie around either on the computer or watching tv for a good part of the day. Don't get me wrong, eventually we'll do something productive. But not too much, because it's a lazy Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday - we'll do our work then.


Michael Cera's Video Resume

Though "The Office" episode was pretty awesome last night, I can't help but miss my "Arrested Development." Check out Michael Cera's video resume, made for McSweeney's Presents: The World, Explained (a benefit for 826LA).


Surgery - Again

It's official. I'm having my second back surgery on Tuesday, February 20. To say I am nervous is an understatement. It's not just worrying about the procedure and the 3-4 days in the hospital....it's being nervous over whether this will do any good in the end. If it doesn't I'll be looking at surgery #3.

So what am I having done this time? It involves putting some hardware (screws, mostly) in at the L5 level to hold together three fractures - two pedicle fractures and one pars fracture. All caused by the artificial disc I had put in back in May 2005.

So far my employer is being ok about me having to take off another 2-4 weeks off work for surgery/recovery time. We'll see...they are not known for being the best at communication where I work. Especially direct communication.


Goodbye 2006

Well, as expected B and I did drive to Iowa this three-day weekend to spend some time with his mom. There was no discussion of recent health news; we just had a good time sitting around, sharing stories from the past and hearing the last news around town. The town B grew up in consists of about 800 people, so everybody knows everybody else. It's both good and bad.

B had to do all of the driving, poor guy. My back is giving me difficulties, so even driving 20 minutes to work is difficult. In total the drive was 11 hours and 40 minutes. One way. Did about the same going back. Had a surprise snow storm/mini-blizzard on Sunday evening, so that was "fun." Between that and the Bears horrible performance against the Packers it was not a good way to end a year!

However, I must give this a mention - B's Kansas City Chief's made it to the playoffs! Since I'm still fuming over my Bear's performance, I may start backing the Chief's for the Super Bowl!