
Exit Strategy - Part I

So far my exit strategy at work is going as planned. I've managed to put a lot of things together and have handed over to others within the organization. I've been a bit surprised at some reactions, especially one person in particular. She was handling the marketing before I started here, but it was then handed to me as people were not overly thrilled with her work. I think she's always resented me a bit for that, so I thought she would be very eager to take over the marketing stuff again. As it turns out, she wants to be able to do the creative pieces but when it comes to organizing or actually developing anything she has no interest. Basically she told me (and others) that she refuses to hold anyone's hand for anything, and so if deadlines are missed so be it - it's their responsibility, not hers. If she manages to get away with that attitude I guess it's good for her; I just don't agree with it. It's hard for those out in the field to project manage marketing-related activities....it's not going to happen because the skills and the organization is not there and never will be. I'm not confident they will manage to keep a strong marketing focus when I leave, and quite frankly they don't really have any other way to get their name out there.

So far I've had private lunches with two folks here - one of them a fellow co-worker who is one of the top people I will miss here; the other is the idiot boss that I will miss only for the ridiculous stories I get to tell others about him. The Idiot spent most of the lunch telling me how he wants me to come back when I'm through with this next job, as a "partner." Yeah, right. That's a line he's been feeding me for about two years now. Whatever. I would never be a partner in a company that he is also a part of, never. He has high hopes for this company but I know his goal is to find others to help build the business so he can eventually sell it for big bucks. The problem is that right now the company is hardly worth anything, and I doubt that will change. It's quite sad, actually. I was very politically correct during the whole conversation, yet made it a point to try and give him some feedback in regards to the overwhelming need to change the culture and communication methods here. I'm not sure anything sunk in, but I tried. I tried for those I leave behind who do not have the capability or guts to get out of here at this time.

The rest of this week I will spend in Lansing, MI for a project, along with continuing my "notes" for people on various activities and projects so they have them for reference when I'm gone. Next week I'm just here four days and I know that will go by quickly. I definitely have big changes ahead.


Thanksgiving Holiday

I hope everyone had an enjoyable and warm Thanksgiving holiday!

We left Ohio Thursday morning around 5am and made our way to western Iowa. In Cleveland it was pouring rain and 51 degrees. By the time we reached Indiana the temperature had dropped 20 degrees and it was starting to snow. Luckily there was only about 10 minutes of that, though it was enough to take out several SUVs who had spun off into the ditches - it was probably not the way they envisioned their Thanksgiving! Once we got past the snow it was windy, cold and dry.

By noon (Central time) we crossed the Illinois/Iowa border and hit the Quad Cities. We were hoping we'd find a restaurant open, but no luck. Since we were right on Kimberly Road we took a small detour to my Grandpa S.'s grave site. Spent a few minutes there and then got back on the road. It was not long before we found a truck stop with a restaurant, where they had an $8.99 Thanksgiving buffet. Figuring the food would be better than the junk we had in the car we decided to stop. It wasn't bad; we had ham, turkey, and lots of vegetables. We were in and out in about 45 minutes, if that.

Once we were back on the road it took us a little over two hours to hit West Des Moines, where we stopped at the Marriott and checked in for the night. We had Pricelined the room for $50, and it was a great deal. Got the car unpacked and then drove the final 45 minutes to B's mom's house, where we arrived at 4:30pm. Not bad!

B's mom was sick with a head cold but had still managed to put together a great Thanksgiving feast of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, rolls and cranberry sauce. We had brought a bunch of stuff thinking she would only prepare the turkey, so we were surprised. In the end we only used the rolls we brought and took the rest back to Ohio with us. It was a great meal with great company. B and I did the dishes, sat around the living room and chatted a bit and then headed back to the hotel around 8pm so my mother-in-law could get some much needed rest.

Friday morning we slept in a bit and made it to the house about 10am. I immediately headed off into a spare bedroom to do an hour-long conference call with my current employer where I went through each client and marketing project I've been working on, giving them status, what needs to be done once I leave, etc. I had already put it all in writing but I know they appreciated me taking an hour of my day off to still walk them through it. At 11am I was officially done with my work and could just enjoy my day off.

For lunch we went to Atlantic, a small city of 8,000 people, which is a larger city in that area. Having lived in a town of 15,000 people for seven years of my life, it felt comfortable. We went to Hy-Vee and had a good lunch, then drove around town and ran some errands. On the way back I was driving and all of a sudden on one of the country roads I saw this beautiful bird fly down and land on the pavement. It was a bald eagle! I can't remember the last time I saw one of those; I think it was in Wisconsin during one of my drive-thrus between Chicago and Minneapolis. It was awesome!

Friday afternoon we just sat around the house and talked. B and his mom swapped story after story about various people in the area who I had no clue who they were, so after awhile it was a little hard to keep focused. We went to Happy Chef for dinner, where for the first time since I've know B he sent his meal back. I didn't blame him! Afterwards we headed to K.C. and Lisa's house; K.C. has been a friend of B's for a long time, and was the best man in our wedding. They have a 7-year old and 3-year old and just moved into a new house in town about three weeks ago. Even at 7pm the kids were wired and couldn't show us around the house and impress us with their toys fast enough! We had brought Cheryl & Co. cookies (an Ohio great) with us, which the kids loved. We had a great time sitting around and catching up, with us girls drinking wine and the boys drinking a vodka and minute maid lemonade combo. Around 10pm we called it a day and headed back to the hotel.

Saturday morning we had to be at my mother-in-law's early as she had an 8am hair appointment. For a small town, this place was really cool. I told B next time we're there I'll probably get my hair cut/styled. They had some great products, and though a little pricey I got a few new things to take back with me. Around 11am we decided it was probably time to head over to eastern Iowa to visit my side of the family.

We stopped at one of my aunt and uncle's house, about 15 minutes from the farm. They had taken my grandma over there for the afternoon since my cousin (and her husband and 9-month old son) were in town. I had not met the 9-month old, so that was cool; he was already so big! We took grandma back to the farm around 5pm and stayed another 2 hours just catching up on things. Despite her major heart surgery in September she seemed to be in good spirits and looked quite well.

We headed to Joliet, Illinois Saturday evening where we have Pricelined a 3-star hotel for $40. Though I've never had a bad experience with a 3-star, this one was dreadful. It should have been 2-stars, max. It was an old, rundown, dirty Holiday Inn. I'm not a fan of Joliet anyway, but it definitely solidified my need to not ever stay in that city again. We were disappointed but were too tired to care. Went to sleep and took off for home at 11am Sunday morning. B drove the whole way in solid traffic, but we still made it home by 6:40pm. It was nice to be home early enough to unpack and unwind before starting the work week.

Overall it was a great trip - we covered a lot of ground by car yet still managed to have a lot of time with our families.


Turkey Time

First things first. It's my parent's 39th anniversary today, so I have to give a shout-out to them. Not many couples make it to 39 years, so that's pretty darn amazing. They are a great couple and parents, and I'm lucky to have them.

Thanksgiving is officially around the corner. Time to stuff ourselves full of turkey, vegetables, rolls and pie, along with other stuff that is unhealthy for us. I won't even talk about the stuff we have in the car to tie ourselves over for 12 hours tomorrow.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, and since I will be in a car most of tomorrow I thought I would take today to list what I am thankful for:

  • My wonderful husband B, who is not only a fantastic husband but my best friend in this world.
  • A loving family - my parents, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins - that is truly supportive in everything I do, and would do anything for B and me.
  • Amazing friends that I don't get to see as often as I'd like, but as time goes forward they are just as wonderful as they always were.
  • My health. Yes, it sounds weird that I would say that given my back situation, but I'm grateful every day that I don't have something more serious and deadly. Every day I can get out of bed and have use of my legs I'm grateful.
  • My brain. I've said it before and I'll say it again, without my brain it would have been hard to make it this far in life. I can take not-so-great physical health as long as I still have my brain.
  • My life. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back, and wonderful family and friends. Honestly, does it get any better?
Here's wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


The Aftermath

I started out the day being wide awake at 3am. I've been sleeping on the couch the last few nights due to an increase in back/leg pain issues, so I decided to put in season 1 of "The Office" to keep me occupied. I managed to fall asleep briefly a few times, but finally gave up around 5:15 and decided to get up.

I got ready and made it into work about 30 minutes earlier than usual. I got settled in and then decided to get the resignation part of my day over with. It went well; almost too well. My boss stated they always knew I would leave at some point to pursue my career goals, it was only a matter of time until they were no longer able to offer me the challenges I desired. I was allowed to tell my co-workers personally about my decision, and they were all very supportive. I will miss most of the people here. Yes, just most, not all.

My day has been spent in meetings for the most part. In between those I've been trying to get down on paper the various projects I'm working on and the necessary details people need to know in order to delegate the workload elsewhere before I leave. It will be a very busy couple of weeks.

Now I need to shift my mental focus to a personal level. B and I are going to western Iowa for the Thanksgiving holiday. We're leaving at 5am Thursday morning, driving 12 hours to his mom's house and hang around through Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon we'll trek back to eastern Iowa to see my grandma for a few hours, then will probably head to Joliet and spend the night. Sunday morning we'll head back home, hopefully before the sun goes down just so we have time to get some things done around the house.

Since we won't be back to Iowa for Christmas, this means I have some Christmas shopping left to do, along with some more grocery shopping as we are trying to bring some food with us to have a makeshift Thanksgiving dinner with his mom when we arrive. It's tough finding things that will survive a 12 hour trip! Besides, we also are concerned as to how many restaurant options will be available during our travel, so that's another thing to prepare. This is definitely not a trip that can be classified as "relaxing", but we're glad we're able to go.


The Verdict

I left work this evening around 6pm with no call. Needless to say I was a bit down. Went home, made dinner, spent some time on the web searching for jobs and then got an unexpected call on my cell around 7:50pm. It was the verdict.

I am pleased to say that I have accepted the job offer and will be starting in early December.

I'm a bit shocked at the moment...it's really hard to believe, quite frankly. I'm happy, but that happiness is being a bit smothered by the fact that I have to give my notice. I hate this part, especially since it's only going to be about 2 weeks notice, and two days during that time I will not be in the office due to Thanksgiving/a PTO day. In fact, now I'm wondering if they will even let me take that day as a PTO day. I'm wondering if they will even let me stay for those two weeks, or if they will show me the door.

I've always left on very good terms with employers, but this is an usual case. These people can have tempers and pick fights. I guess I'll find out tomorrow and just go from there. In the end, this is really a great opportunity and I know will be a very positive influence in our lives.


It's 1:12pm on Monday, and I'm going to make the prediction that I will not receive the job offer from my old employer. Just my gut.

Update - ok...I was wrong after all!


The Wait

I had a 75 minute breakfast this morning with my potential new (yet old) employer - the President, one of the partners and their business development manager. While the first face-to-face was stressful and a bit questionable, today's event was really enjoyable. It confirmed that this is a great group, a real team, and a place I want to be a part of again. I was asked some questions and given the opportunity to ask some as well. I was very pleased with the answers. There were several times where they spoke as if I had the job, so I guess that's a good sign. At the end of it all I was told they were close to making a decision and would let me know either way early next week.

After today I will be very disappointed if I do not get the position. However, I'm pleased I made it this far and am glad for the opportunity. It's confirmed that I do have something to offer...I just need to find the employer that will value that.

So now it's a waiting game. Of course I have the phone next to me at my desk hoping for that "call", but I doubt it will happen. At least I'll know something before Thanksgiving.

I just have to share something though. We ate breakfast at a restaurant at the hotel, which is attached to the main office building. In March 2004, I interviewed at the exact same restaurant at the EXACT same table where I sat today. That interview, however, was with people from my current company. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not, but I still found it funny!


Lesson of the Day: Communication is Important

I got into work this morning and after stopping by several offices to tell people "hi" I hit the mailbox area. Usually the mailboxes are pretty empty, but today I found a memo - "Notice of Blackout Period."

The memo was to "inform me that the 401(K) plan will be changing investment options and investment record keeper." As a result there would be a blackout period, which would "begin on [enter date] and end [enter date]." No really, that is what is said - no dates were given.

Not only does the memo not give the dates of the blackout, but there is absolutely nothing communicated as to what the plan is changing to, when we will be getting investment options, if there will be an educational session, etc.

As someone who once administered/oversaw HR benefits, this is a classic example of how not to communicate a 401(k) plan change. I like the plan we are on now - my return has been great. There IS a difference between plans, and I'd like to know where my money will now be going to. I find it interesting that in an office of 11 people, all of which are here today, that no one can be bothered with communicating this directly in a meeting, or at least in a better-written memo!

Just a lesson in communication, folks. :-)


Oh, the pain, the pain of it all!

I usually avoid the topic of my back and any level of pain I might be in on a daily basis, but today I'm about going crazy. For about the past 24-48 hours I've been in some serious hurt. I basically feel like I have a few knives in my spine and a whole lot of pins in both legs. Very raw pain, which is unusual even for me. And no amount of drugs is helping, either. Yikes, I hope the rest of my week is better than this!


Ding! Round Four....

I found out late yesterday that I've officially been asked back for Round Four of the never-ending job interview. It appears it is down to two of us. I was given the first choice of time slots, and I chose the later one - this Friday at 7:30am.

I've done a lot of thinking over these last couple of months, and it's been a roller coaster ride. However, I believe I have come to the conclusion that if I do get the job I have to take it. Yes, it may not be a perfect fit, but it's not a perfect fit where I am at now, either. If I can go to a company where I have a manager title again, make more money, get every other Friday off and have wonderful benefits, I'd be an idiot not to seize the opportunity.

Of course you realize that because I have made the decision to take the job if offered, I will now not be offered the job. Oh well! :-)

Update: I just got the list of who I'll be interviewing/meeting with on Friday. Six people. Yikes.



In May a new law went into effect in Ohio where people can no longer smoke in public buildings. This includes the small, two-story office building I work in.

In April and May this year, there were several times a week where we would smell cigarette smoke. Really strong smoke. We wondered if this smell was coming from a tenant right above us who had moved into the space about that time. Unfortunately their main office door is always shut so it was impossible to tell. We kept complaining to the landlord, who was sympathetic to the situation but told us he could not, as a landlord, go into their space to investigate.

During the warm summer months the cigarette smoke smell stopped and it became a distant memory. However, the cold months are back and so is that horrible cigarette smell. A co-worker has done some investigative work and has confirmed it is coming from an executive's office in the suite above us. The individual has left ashes in his trash, which the cleaning people have reported. However, the landlord's hands are still tied. Today we took the logical next step - we reported it to an Ohio 800 number where they are to investigate such claims. We were told it would be 4-8 weeks before someone would be out. Even once that happens we're still not sure if it will put an end to the situation.

I'm all for people smoking if that's what they want to do, but not in a place of business. I don't have a choice to go somewhere else...I'm stuck in this office from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. What makes this particularly annoying is that I'm allergic to the cigarette smoke, which causes me horrible, burning sinus pain almost instantly, especially when it's in an enclosed area. Today's incident occurred two hours ago and my eyes and face are so dry and burning that I can barely look at my computer monitor.

In the meantime all I can do is boycott the company causing this suffering - Donatos Pizza. No big loss, but it's the only thing I can do for now. To those who read this and have a Donatos in your area I would request you do the same!



I want to applaud B for his recent blog on the Cleveland Clinic. He rarely does a blog; in fact, typically he saves his writings for elections and Christmastime. However, I too think the Cleveland Clinic is over-hyped, and I completely agree with his points so far. I'm looking forward to Part II!


What have I gotten into?

First things first - I apologize, specifically to my good friend Chrissy, for not providing a timely update as to how my interview went! :-) I also apologize to those few others who occasionally read my blog but don't leave comments.

The interview was a 100 minutes of tag-team questioning that, quite frankly, was so in-depth, detailed and weird that I'm now left pondering my options if indeed I get asked to move to the next round.

For a process that began in early September, it's now been almost two months and they are still not close to making a decision. They spent over a month collecting and reviewing resumes. Then they did phone call interviews, which ranged anywhere from 7-15 depending on who you talking to. This next phase was to be 2-3 people, but I'm thinking it might be closer to 5-7.

During my 100 minutes there I spent about 20-25 of those with the President and one of the Directors in a tag-team interview. That wasn't too bad. Lots of questions, but easy to answer. I felt good about how it went.

After that part I was told I would be meeting with my old boss and their outside accountant so they could really drill me. Honestly, that's what I was told; little did I know how true it would be. I obviously know my former boss pretty well, and I had worked with the outside accountant before so at least I knew the people. This is where it got weird. Their questioning was extensive and a little too in-depth, at least from my perspective. I won't go into detail, but it was unlike any interview I've ever been in. I felt like I was interviewing in front of Congress for a Cabinet position.

I knew my former boss was very detailed, but this was crazy. They had pages and pages of questions. Finally the end came, where I was told that they had several others to interview this week, after which they will get the partners together, go over the responses and then determine the final 2-3 to bring back and meet the other partners and to also answer MORE questions.

After my 100 minute interview I walked away wondering if this was indeed someplace I wanted to work. I had these red flags popping in my head. Granted, I'm not sure I will even be asked to come back for the next round, but if I am, is this something I want to continue to pursue?

So what next? I keep my options open. I sent everyone a follow-up thank you card, but at the same time spent a good deal of time yesterday looking for jobs. Saturday I kidnapped Brad and got us both out of the city to explore northeast Ohio wine country and Erie, PA. I needed to escape, as the only thing I could think about was that stupid interview. The wine was bad but the company was great and it was fun to see some new sights. At the end of a long day we headed back home, knowing that however things work out it will be for the best. Hopefully.



The big interview is today at 3pm. I took PTO this afternoon so it gives me time to go home, eat lunch, change and mentally prepare for the big meeting.

I'm not sure what to expect, as many of the typical interview questions were already asked over the phone. I normally do not get nervous for interviews, since I've been giving them for years so I know how to answer them as well. However, this job could really be a big stepping stone for me in so many ways. I just have to relax, take deep, slow breaths, and not put too much pressure on myself. It is what it is, and what is meant to happen will happen.

Stay tuned....



As a kid/young adult, I always enjoyed Halloween. However, ever since 1999 the day usually sneaks up on me and is really more of an afterthought. No celebrating, no passing out candy, no dressing up. It's just not one of those holiday's I get into, and neither does B.

That doesn't mean that we don't do our own thing, though. Since we moved here, our tradition has been to go out to a restaurant and eat some good Mexican food, which is what we did last night. It's great because the restaurants are usually pretty empty, plus you avoid being home during the treat-or-treat stuff. It's just a nice evening to spend together.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween...now it's on to November!